Is Tutoring a Good Investment? 5 Ways Your Student Can Benefit from One-to-One Tuition

One-to-one tuition has proven time and time again to have numerous benefits for pupils of all abilities. However, with it being an additional expense in regards to time and money for parents and students, it’s important to fully understand why tutoring is such a good investment. Here’s 5 ways your child can benefit from one-to-one tuition.

  1. Students Receive Individualised Learning

One of the main benefits of having one-to-one tutoring is the individualised learning students will receive. A tutor will be able to determine a student’s learning style, see the areas or gaps they need to put extra work into and create a customised plan to help them learn in the way that works best for them. Doing this will not only help fill in their educational gaps, but help them be on the road to academic success. Students will also benefit from the fact that a tutor can adjust the pace, focus and goals of any lesson depending on their needs and abilities, meaning that learning efficiency is always maximised.

  1. Students Get More Learning Time and Attention

With tutoring occurring on a one-to-one basis, tutors are able to focus their attention fully on a student, which is a huge advantage compared to sitting in a class of around thirty pupils. Not only will they get more face-to-face learning time on top of their usual school schedule, students also get their teachers full attention for the duration of the session too. This means they can ask as many questions as they need, re-visit material or spend as much or as little time needed on a specific area, until they feel more confident. There are also fewer distractions for students being tutored in a home setting, with little noise or interruptions from classmates, which usually means improved concentration and performance levels. In fact, this type of focused and flexible learning can be hugely beneficial for students of any ability.

  1. Builds Up Students Confidence Levels

Having one-to-one tutoring sessions is a wonderful way to help build happy and confident children. Just having dedicated learning time to build up and nurture their foundational skills and knowledge is guaranteed to have a positive impact on confidence and self-esteem levels. Studies have even found a direct link between academic success and self-esteem. A tutor will work hard during their sessions to help your child recognise their strengths, build up confidence levels and encourage them to be enthusiastic about their studies. Even simply adapting teaching to suit a student’s specific learning style can help them understand and take in information efficiently – they might even surprise themselves!

  1. Students Are Placed With A Tutor To Match Their Needs

Students are much more likely to respond better to a tutor that is suited to them, in terms of both temperament and learning style. Unlike school, where students generally have very little choice in regards to who their teachers are, opting for one-to-one tuition does allow the student or parents to choose a tutor they feel comfortable with. As there is such a wide range of tutors available, each with their own strengths, specialities and learning styles – there is bound to be a tutor that is well suited to every student. Finding the right tutor that can engage and inspire can really make a big difference for students.

  1. Students Get To Learn Invaluable Life Skills

Having a one-to-one tutor has a multitude of benefits, however, one of the most valuable when it comes to investing in a student’s future is the time they get to learn and practice invaluable life skills. Often these areas are not focused on in school, meaning even the smartest students can struggle with basic areas such as time-management or self-motivation. A tutor will take the time during sessions to help students grasp these important skills, as well as be able to put them into practice. Developing these skills will not only make students feel as though they have more control of their studies, their schedules are much more likely to be less hectic and they’ll be able to have better control over their time. It will also help set them up for academic success now but also in many areas of their life in the future too. Life skills that a tutor will help build upon is:


  • Organisation
  • Time Management
  • Prioritising Tasks
  • Improving Memory
  • Self-Motivation
  • Communication
  • Goal Setting
  • Revision Skills
  • Exam Strategies

For more information on the personalised tutoring services Tutor Doctor has to offer, click here.
