Socratic Method: How Asking Questions Enhances Critical Thinking Skills

As parents, we all want our children to become confident, independent thinkers who can tackle challenges and solve problems. One powerful way to help your child develop these skills is through a simple technique called the Socratic method. 

This method is all about asking thoughtful questions to encourage children to think more deeply, reflect on their ideas, and arrive at their own conclusions. It’s an approach that works just as well around the dinner table as it does in the classroom!

In this article, we’ll explain how the Socratic method works in plain, simple terms, and how you can use it to support your child’s learning and critical thinking.

What Is the Socratic Method?

The Socratic method is a way of teaching that dates back to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Instead of giving answers, it’s about asking the right questions to help someone explore a subject in more depth. In other words, rather than telling your child what to think, you encourage them to think for themselves by asking questions like, “Why do you think that?” or “What might happen if…?”

This helps children consider different perspectives, spot gaps in their thinking, and become better problem-solvers. And the best part? You don’t need to be an expert to guide them—you just need to be curious!

Why Is It Important for Kids?

The ability to ask and answer thoughtful questions is a key part of critical thinking, which is important in all areas of life. By practising this method, your child can:

Learn to think for themselves: Instead of memorising facts, they’ll learn how to analyse information and form their own opinions.

Become better problem solvers: By thinking through questions, they can identify solutions to problems they might not have noticed at first.

Gain confidence in their thinking: Answering questions helps kids feel more confident about their knowledge and abilities.

How Can You Use the Socratic Method at Home?

You don’t need to be a philosopher to use the Socratic method with your child. Here are some easy ways to start:

1. Ask Open-Ended Questions

The goal of the Socratic method is to get kids thinking, not just answering “yes” or “no” questions. Try asking questions like, “What do you think about this?” or “Can you explain why you feel that way?” These types of questions encourage your child to think critically and provide more detailed responses.

For example, if your child is reading a book, instead of asking, “Did you like it?” you might ask, “What did you think the main character learned by the end of the story?”

2. Encourage Them to Explain Their Thinking

Once your child gives an answer, ask them to explain how they reached that conclusion. Questions like, “Why do you think that?” or “Can you tell me more about your idea?” help them think through their reasoning and recognise any gaps in their understanding.

This is also a great way for children to realise that it’s okay to change their mind if they discover new information or a different perspective!

3. Challenge Assumptions

If your child makes a statement that’s based on an assumption, encourage them to think about it a little more. You could ask, “What makes you think that’s true?” or “Is there another way to look at this?”

For example, if your child says, “I’m just not good at Maths,” you could respond by asking, “Why do you think that? Is there a part of Maths you enjoy more than others?”

4. Create a Discussion, Not a Debate

The Socratic method isn’t about “winning” an argument—it’s about exploring ideas. The goal is to make sure your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts without feeling judged. So, if they say something that you might disagree with, respond with more questions to help them think deeper, instead of correcting them immediately.

This encourages them to think for themselves and be more open-minded when considering other viewpoints.

5. Use Reflection to Help Them Grow

After a conversation or discussion, ask your child to reflect on what they’ve learned. Ask, “Did you learn something new?” or “Did your ideas change after thinking about it?” This reflection helps them internalise the lesson and reinforces the importance of thinking through problems carefully.

How Tutor Doctor Can Help

At Tutor Doctor, we believe that asking the right questions can make all the difference in a student’s learning journey. Our tutors use techniques like the Socratic method to guide students through their subjects, encouraging them to think critically and develop their own understanding. By asking thoughtful questions, our tutors help students build confidence and overcome learning struggles

Helping Your Child Think Critically with the Right Questions

The Socratic method is a simple yet powerful tool that parents can use to help their children develop critical thinking skills. By asking open-ended questions, encouraging reflection, and creating a supportive environment for discussion, you can help your child become more confident in their thinking and better equipped to tackle problems independently.

Looking for extra support? Tutor Doctor offers one-on-one tutoring tailored to your child’s needs. Our experienced tutors encourage students to explore new ideas, ask questions, and think critically. Find your nearest tutor and discover more methods that make learning and retaining knowledge a breeze. 
