This week we have another type of Verbal Reasoning that I call Odd Two Out; comma use in English; a free non-Verbal Reasoning test with computerised answer sheets; and in Maths we look at finding area of an irregular shape using isometric paper.
Verbal Reasoning
Practice Questions:
- Cat, lion, dog, wolf, giraffe
- Carrot, pea, parsnip, beetroot, asparagus
- Neice, nephew, aunt, grandmother, father
- Tall, lofty, squat, towering, short
- Africa, Paris, Rome, Australia, Germany
- Litre, millilitre, metre, kilometre, centimetre
- Ocean, river, creek, brook, sea
- Ambled, ran, sauntered, jogged, meandered
- Tranquil, peaceful, busy, choatic, peaceable
- Plant pot, tree, sundail, table, hedge
- Cup, saucer, knife, spoon, fork
- paid, went, thanked, brought, wandered
- June, March, October, April, November
- Tennis, cricket, skiing, football, horse-riding
- Lamb, foal, calf, vixen, cow
What is a main clause?
What if the main clause does not come first in the sentence?
This is called a ‘fronted adverbial.’ See video below.
Adverbs and adverb clauses (higher level)
Using commas with fronted adverbials, and co-ordinating conjunctions….Remember, adverbs tell you more about the verb. They can be a word, or a group of words that tell you more about:
– How the action happened
– When the action happened
Practice: Put a comma in-between the adverb and the main clause.
- Yesterday we went shopping.
- Quickly the snow fell.
- After a while we gave up waiting.
- Suddenly the noise began.
- Correctly Evelyn answered the question.
A subordinate clause can also act as an adverb. Put a comma in-between the adverbial clause and the main clause. Remember adverbs, including a group of words, tell you more about how or when the action happened.
- Before he went to school he put his uniform on.
- Unless you want to be late hurry up!
- Because we had run out of bread we couldn’t have toast for breakfast.
- After they finished their work they had fun playing.
- While we are here we should take a good look around.
What are co-ordinating conjunctions? They are words that are conjunctions between two main clauses. The acronym FANBOYS will help you remember them. (For And Nor But Or Yet So.)
FANBOYS (For And Nor But Yet So)
- Take your muddy shoes off and leave them by the door.
- The train journey was long but it was worth it.
- The cat sleeps in its basket or on my bed.
- The rain fell down so I put up my umbrella.
- Should we go backwards or should we go forwards?
What are noun phrases. They are the main noun, plus its adjective.
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Practice Paper
Click Here for Multiple Choice
CGP 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Book Assessment Test 1
You will see the following type of question on the Maths papers at 11+
Area of an irregular polygon (below)
area of parallellograms and triangles (below)
Sheet of isometric paper for you to print:
or copy and paste the sheet from below…
Now into three dimensions, not just length x breadth, but we go back as well to give depth.
First, convert everything to the smaller or the bigger unit; eg convert all of the units below to the smaller units grammes.
1 kg – 150 g = ——– g
Convert the kg into g. Kilo means thousand, (Greek,) so kilogramme literally means one thousand grammes.
– 150
Taking millilitres away from litres
First convert everything to either millilitres of litres (milli also means one thousand (Latin) and here millilitre means thousandTH of a litre.
1 litre = 1,000 millilitres
2.5 litres – 5 millilitres 2500
– 5
2495 millilitres
Taking metres away from kilometres
First convert everything to metres of kilometres.
3 km – 250 m become 3,000
– 250
In these examples it made more sense to convert from the larger unit (kg, l, and km) to the smaller unit (grammes, millilitres and metres) but what if you need to answer in kg, l, or km?
To convert kg into g we multiply by 1,000
- 1k = ……………………..g
To convert l into millilitres we multiply by 1, 000
- 1 l = ……………………
To convert km into metres, we multiply by 1, 000
3) 1km =…………………m
4) 2.5 kg = ……………..g
5) 3.1 kg = ……………..g
6) 6.9kg = ……………g
7) 2.2 l = ……………ml
8) 6.5 l = …………
9) 10.25 l =…………ml
10) 5km = ……………m
11) 5.2km =………….m
12) 5.25km = ………..m
So the do the opposite, we do the opposite
To convert g into kg we divide by 1,000
To convert ml into l, we divide by 1,000
To convert m into km, we divide by 1,000
13) 12704 g……. kg
14) 346 ml………..l
15) 831 m to ……
Practice Questions:
- Jay ran a 25, 000 metre race. How far is this in kilometres?
a) 2.5 km b) 250 km c)0.025 km d) 0.25 km e) 25 km - The wheel of a car is 250cm. How many rotations does it make to cover 1 metre?
- To cover 1km?
- Cathy has a bottle which holds 1400 ml of cordial. She fills 22 cups with 50ml of cordial. How much cordial is left in the bottle? _ _ _ _ ml.
- How much is left in litres? _ _ _ _ l
- James has a bottle which holds 1.5l of water. He fills 3 cups with 250 ml of water. How much water is left in the bottle? _ _ _ _ ml
- How much is left in litres? – – – – – l
- A 2 litre bottle of Ribena makes 6 x 700ml jugs of diluted squash. How many litre bottles of Ribena are needed to make 42 x 200 ml glasses of diluted squash? – – – – l
- Jo begins a 5km jog. She stops after 3,550m. How much further does she have to go? _ _ km
- Robert walks 300metres every day. How far does he walk in the whole month of June? –km
Games to Play
Mass, Length, and Capacity sections of the game below.
Next Week
We will look at Re-ordering words in a mixed up sentence, colons and semi-colons, and spelling. In Maths we will look at rounding, and the types of questions where you are expected to use rounding. There will also be another free non-Verbal Reasoning test, and English Test.